me map young adults


HOW DOES me map young adults HELP YOU?


You can create your own ME MAP to gain deeper self-awareness - the foundation for a happy life!


The knowledge and methods will help you to change your thoughts and behaviour - to be more effective and confident!


What everyone should know about good relationships - a compass for friendships and romance!


Approaches and tips for setting and achieving your goals - so you can succeed!

me map for
z&A generations

Whether you’re figuring out who you are, working on overcoming your insecurities, aiming to get better grades or more friends, trying to change your habits or define your goals, ME MAP Young Adults is an indispensable guide to life. 

Not only for young adults, but for everyone: 95% of the content of this edition is valid and useful for people of all ages!

Drawing on decades of coaching, teaching, and training experience, the author-sisters Hajni Sagodi-Sturm and Ria Horvath help you to discover yourself and they share the most essential life skills.

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science & psychology made practical

self love and self knowledge

be who you want to be

With the help of its four chapters you can draw your complete ME MAP:

• ME: Exercises to understand better who you are and what has shaped you.

• ME2: The latest findings in psychology and brain science on human behavior with tools and tips to use this knowledge to be more effective.

• ME WITH OTHERS: Discover how to communicate more effectively and learn about concepts as relationship toxins or love languages for better relationships.

• ME IN THE FUTURE: Strategies to define and achieve your purpose and goals. For example, the tip on Life Phase Planning: the drop-out rates among first-year students who applied this tip, decreased by 40%!


“I love this book! It gives answers to all big questions of young people.” Emilia Lukács, 16 years old


No, it isn’t, because the book is very easy to read and the funny illustrations make the important, sometimes difficult topics really enjoyable and understandable.

Of course, the more you put your heart into it and the deeper you dive into your own inner world when solving the exercises, the greater the impact. 

But it is up to you, the depth is in your hands – just like your life!


“This is not your average book: the creative exercises make it very enjoyable, and it gives a whole new perspective to the topics covered. Many young people struggle with self-awareness and self-confidence issues – this book will certainly help them!” Flora, 18 years old

Psychology is the science of human mind and behavior. 

We’re sure you’re a thinking and acting person, so psychology is for you, just like for everyone else! 

And if you don’t like boring, scientific, hard-to-read books, you’ve are at the right place!

Me Map Young Adults provides information about the whys of the human psyche, but it does it in a style that suits you.  And it’s mainly about YOUR thinking and behavior! It describes shortly what everyone should know, and you can find exercises and techniques so you can immediately apply what you read.


Bonus joke about psychology:

– How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

– Only one, but the bulb has to want to change!


“At first I was afraid that I’d find this book boring, but I soon realized that this is no ordinary book. It’s a great summary of everything a young person needs to know, with no superfluous topics.” Greg, 18 years old

The book is written for young adults and it is recommended 16 years and up.

But in fact, it’s for everyone who wants to be more effective, doesn’t have time to read dozens of books and wants to work on themselves while enjoying the process. 

Most of the methods offered by this book are also applied by leaders of companies such as Google, Shell or Approaches like giraffe language (Nonviolent Communication (NVC) –
Critique and Clash Differently Using Giraffe Language, page 158), love languages (My Love Language, page 196) or even the ice cream metaphor for the brain (Brain and Jelly – What Everyone Should Know About the Brain, page 52).

For our younger readers, we recommend the ME MAP Teens edition (age recommendation: age 10 and up).

Of course, these are only recommendations for the age range, not limitations!


Every exercise is about you. 

Some are about mapping your current self, such as listing your qualities (The Johari Window Opening to My Character Traits, page 16), mapping your lifeline (My Journey Line, page 28) or defining your personal values (My Personal Values, page 40). There are also many exercises about your future self and your relationships. 

Let us give you a few examples:

The Habit Shaper tool (The Biggest Secret to Success: Our Habits, page 104) helps you finally make that new habit reality – the one you’ve been wanting to develop for a long time. 

After completing the RELATIONSHIP QUALITY TEST (page 148)you will understand more about your relationships, 

You can read about Relationship Toxins (page 151) and learn how to use the antidotes for them.

If you don’t have a (life) goal yet, this book can help you set one (Goal Setting, page 234 and Life Purpose, page 246)!

Each answer you give brings you closer to understanding yourself. No one knows better than you who you are or who you want to be and why.

ME MAP Young Adults helps you and your sweetheart in 13+1 ways to map each other and your relationship!

1. The first chapter will help you explore each other’s qualities, hobbies, values, etc., so you can find out what you agree on and what you need to talk about more (pages 14-49).

2. In the second chapter, you’ll find lots of tools, strategies and tips to help you influence your thoughts and manage your emotions during conflicts (pages 50-143).

3 The RELATIONSHIP QUALITY TEST will help you see what is working well and what could be better in your relationship (pages 148-150).

4. You can find out what relationship toxins are that for sure ruin your relationship; and what ‘antidotes’ you can use to stop their destructive effects (pages 151-153).

5. You can learn to move to the second level of listening to understand the each other’s real message (Two Ears, One Mouth – Good Communication Starts with ACTIVE LISTENING, pages 154-157).

6. You can learn how to use Nonviolent Communication to stand up for your own needs while taking the other person’s wishes into account (pages 158-173)

7. You can learn how to reach a WIN-WIN solution or agreement that works for both of you (GETTING TO AGREEMENT. How to Get to a WIN-WIN Solution, pages 178-181).

8. You can learn to apply the art of KINCUGI to mend the cracks in the relationship with the four skills of forgiveness (KINTSUGI – Forgiveness and Apology, pages 182-185).

9. You will become better at influencing love by learning about love languages (pages 196-199).

10. You will find out how you can increase the balance in your relationship bank account (Emotional Bank Accounts, pages 200-202).

11. You will discover the secrets of the love hormone lab (Being in Love, pages 203-204).

12. You will find out how you can tell if he/she is the one and how long romantic love lasts (pages 205-208).

13. You can get help to make the decision whether to (re)start having sex (pages 212-216).


+1 You can get to know and love each other and yourself even more!


small steps, big results

other info

award winning book

Hajni Sagodi-Sturm is an internationally acknowledged (ICF) Master Certified Coach, a trainer, and a trusted advisor for leaders and organizations. She has helped hundreds of clients to transform their lives and has several coach and profiling tool certifications (CPCC, ORSCC, MBTI, Kantor, IOpt, TDS, ValueDrives). She lives in the Netherlands with her Dutch husband and together they have five grown up children.

Ria Horvath is a teacher, trainer and coach living and working in Hungary. She trains professionals and leads trainings for teens on self-discovery and on study techniques.. She uses the Kokas pedagogy to help kids improve their life skills: an approach that leverages perception of (classical) music, movement, activity and creative work. She has two grown up children.

The Me Map Teens and Young Adults books won the COACH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021 award in Hungary.

The prize is awarded by the Hungarian Coach Organizations’ Association, which was established by leading Hungarian coach organizations and Hungarian chapters of international coach organizations (for example, ICF, EMMC, Gestalt Association, European Coaching Association) to promote the coaching culture in the country. 

Every year the award is given to the best coaching book. A professional jury decides which candidate books are eligible for the prize based on professional content and quality, after which public vote decides the final winner.

That the books received this award proves the quality and professional content – many coaches call the books “the treasure chest of coaching tools”!

But it was not the only reason!

Both the jury and the public loved the unique way of presenting the knowledge: short descriptions help to get to essence and the knowledge is made memorable by metaphors while the content is more enjoyable and understandable by the fantastic illustrations and visual communication of Andrea Balazs. 

The professional jury also praised the books for bringing the important content to young people in a way they love.

The books can be used by teachers (for example, as basis for mentor classes), coaches (as part of individual coaching but some run Me Map Clubs for groups of young people based on the books) and other professionals like psychologists or social workers to give color and a creative twist to treatments and client journeys.

If you like the book and want that as many teens as possible can read it, share the information in your social media groups!

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